£80.82 ex VAT£96.98 per Pack


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Pack size: 2 x 10L

Onyx Liquid Foundation contains nitrogen, potassium, trace elements and significant levels of amino acids. Helps to reduce stress in plants that can arise from weather, or from the overuse of pesticides and fertilisers. Using this product all season will increase the overall health of the turf, repairing damage and providing a high quality turf.

Onyx liquid provides high-levels of amino acids, plus nitrogen and potassium as well as phosphorus, trace elements and carbohydrates. Onyx liquid provides not only the nutrition for growth and development, but also provides a biostimulant effect to encourage germination, establishment and resistance to environmental stress factors. 

Recommended Application Rate: 20 to 60L/Ha in 300 to 500L/Ha of water.

For prices of more than 7 bags please contact the office.